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The 4 Destructive Misconceptions Held By Entrepreneurs - REVEALED!

Updated: Aug 5, 2023

Who Are You?

At this particular time in your life, if you were asked the following 4 questions, how would you respond?

Hint: You're not being asked whether you're good or bad at it.

1. Are you an experienced investor?

2. Are you an experienced salesperson? Do you love selling?

3. Are you an experienced underwriter (an underwriter assesses risk and probabilities of success)?

4. Are you experienced in raising capital? If you answered no to any of these questions, you are a victim suffering the consequences of one or more destructive misconceptions.

I Am An Experienced Investor!

Yes, this includes you too. We all are, and here's why...

As a matter of fact, each of us began our investment careers at a very young age.

For our purposes, there are two primary types of investments; Time & Money! Though we may not place any value on it, we invest our time on a regular basis. We invested time at school in hopes of becoming productive citizens (at least that's what we were told). We invest time in relationships. We invest our time at jobs with the expectation of receiving an income in return. We invest money into the lottery in hopes of a big payday.

The list goes on and on and on.

The fact that we are all investors is irrefutable - most of us just need to get better at it.

I Am An Experienced Salesperson!

You guessed it - that includes you too.

Remember I'm not suggesting that you're good or bad at it. I'm only pointing out the fact that you have tons of experience.

Let's begin by defining exactly what selling is or better yet what selling is not.

Selling IS NOT convincing someone to do or buy something they don't want, don't need, or can't afford. That's called manipulating.

Selling IS articulating the desired value of an idea, service, or product to someone so well that the perceived value is revealed to be much higher than what is being asked for in exchange.

Selling is something we all do on a regular basis. You sold your significant other on the idea of committing to you. You sold your boss on the idea of hiring you. You continually attempt to sell your children on the idea of living principle-centered lives. You sell your friends on the idea that a movie is great and they should watch it...

I believe we were put here to create and add value. So when you put it that way, shouldn't we all absolutely love selling (creating, communicating, and/or adding value)?

Are you sold on the idea yet?

I Am An Experienced Underwriter!

Yep, you too!

Underwriting in its simplest form is the art of making sure the odds are in your favor.

When you look both ways before crossing the street, you're assessing the risk and making sure the odds are in your favor to avoid becoming roadkill - and you're probably pretty good at it.

When you chose your spouse or significant other vs. any other candidates or staying single, you assessed the risk and made sure, to the best of your ability, that the odds of success were in your favor.

Nobody is proclaiming how good or bad you are at it but you must admit, you do quite a bit of underwriting on a regular basis and if you're like most of us, you just need to get better at it.

I Am Experienced At Raising Capital!

By now, you know the routine - you too.

I realize that this is the one you may have the most doubt about. Consequently, this may be the biggest and most tragic misconception of all.

The first thing we need to understand is that, for our purposes, there are three types of capital:

  • Human Capital

  • Social Capital

  • Financial Capital

Why do we need capital at all? The answer is LEVERAGE. We all understand the universal law that two or more, correctly added, will always sum up to be greater than one [we > I].

When you ask a friend to help move a large item or pick you up from work because your car is in the shop, you're raising & using human capital.

When you put references on your resume or get a referral to a plumber to fix your leaking toilet or ask a customer for a testimonial, you're raising & using social capital!

And lastly, when you ask an employer for a job, you ask for a raise, find a buyer for a property - you're raising or helping to raise capital so that, ultimately, you can fund your personal economy.

As you can see - this is something we all do and will continue to do on a regular basis.


We need to raise enough capital to buy our time freedom so that we can invest it into the things we love, have underwritten, and then sell others on the idea of doing the same!

These are the fundamentals of Collaboration and The Wolf Pact Method!

What exactly are you waiting for?

Let's GO!

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